Liam Benzvi and SSION Premiere 'PTLSD' Video

“Once you’ve tried you can’t go higher,” Liam Benzvi and SSION sing on their new single about the ups and downs of falling into, and revisiting, love. They refer to this state as “PTLSD,” a combination of PTSD and LSD that explores the psychedelic highs and traumatic memories associated with…

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“I developed a huge crush on this very elusive woman,” STRONZA tells PAPER of her latest single, “Burning Up.” “It was magnetic, on and off, exciting, torturous. In the end I just put it all in this song and walked away. But I love having a crush. They always creatively…

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Uptown. Downtown. In the popular imagination they’re not just different zip codes, they’re separate planets, with their own orbits, languages, even magazines. For 178 years T&C has epitomized uptown, and for the past 40 of those, PAPER has embodied downtown. Always they have rotated around the same axis: New York…

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